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The Gate of Maturity – Deborah

The Sound Gate – 20th January 2019

I remembered a previous invitation to come up through the sound gate. While listening to an awesome song I felt drawn and saw the gate opening for me. I stepped through the gate of thanksgiving and praise. I could feel the difference in the frequency after I stepped over the threshold of the door. Instead of stepping into the bliss of worshiping the Lord, I stepped onto a path full off thorns and sharp stones. I was confused. I could see soft grass ahead of me, so I made a decision to push through. I really wanted to reach the soft grass, but even although I walked, and walked, I could not reach it.

The Spirit of Wisdom

While I was stepping over the stones I asked the Spirit of Wisdom to come and walk with me. I had many questions. She came immediately and walked in front of me. I concentrated on watching her steps as I walked closely behind her. I was still walking over thorns and sharp stones but she made a way for me that was less severe.

She turned and looked at me quite seriously and asked, “Do you want to continue like this or do you want me to share something new with you?” I replied, “I will follow you. When you go with me, I always experience the things the Lord wants to teach me in such profound ways.” She smiled and said, “Yes that is good, but I asked you a question.” I stopped and tried to concentrate on what she had asked me. Remembering, I replied, “Yes, I always need to hear what you want to share with me and I would appreciate your advice and principles about the path.”

She nodded appreciatively and explained, “The discomfort you are experiencing is a picture of what often happens in your life. You desire to enter in to the worship of heaven but then experience a barrier which wants to keep you from going further. The barrier is your own desires, fears and struggles. The thorns and stones are your own soulish desires. They keep you from walking into the softness and fullness of the promises of the Lord. The way to overcome this barrier is to call on His grace and mercy. When you clothe yourself in His grace and mercy, your needs are covered. This automatically gives you protection for your feet. Your circumstances may not have changed, but the way you deal with them will be totally different.”

I knew that she was right. A desire welled up in me to clothe myself in grace and mercy. The Spirit of Wisdom said, “You know the principle: Ask and it will be given.” I nodded and said, “Father, please clothe me with Your Grace and Mercy, and let them walk with me. I no longer want to be hindered from walking fully in Your presence.” As soon as I had spoken this request, two beings appeared. They carried several garments: A flowing overall, a robe, and, most importantly, long soft leather boots. They helped me put the garments on. It felt wonderful to my sore feet. I immediately felt restored and healed.

Grace and Mercy motioned for me to start walking again. They accompanied me. I quickly came to an oval gate. The gate was made of a silvery filigree material. It had much detail on it. A small frame surrounding the number 25 stood out. (Five is a number frequently associated with grace. Five times five is 25. John 1:16 says that through Jesus we receive grace upon grace. Numbers 8:24 says that Levites began their service at the age of 25). Below the frame, oak leaves formed a very specific pattern. (Oak trees are a symbol of longevity, humble beginnings, patience, faith, power, endurance, and strength).

The Spirit of Counsel and Patience

Everything about the gate was very delicate, except that there was a massive keyhole and door handle. The keyhole and door handle looked out of place. I stood in front of the door and asked Wisdom if I should enter. Strangely, she had disappeared. This confused me even more. I decided to just stay at the door and wait. I then got the idea to call on the Spirit of Counsel. He came immediately and stood next to me.

I started to speak to him, but he immediately cut me off. “When situations confound you, it is often best to step back a little so that you can see the big picture. You can also invite Patience to be with you so that you can easily wait on the Lord.” Oh how many times I had been caught up in situations where I could only see the details of the mysteries, but could no longer see the big picture. I heeded the advice of the Spirit of Counsel and called on Patience. I desperately needed more patience in my life.

She appeared instantly and embraced me. She touched my eyes and my heart. A beautiful peace flowed through me. Her touch changed and sharpened my perception. She smiled at me and said, “Now focus on the gate and tell me what you see and experience.” I looked at the gate and saw much more detail, but the seeing was multidimensional as I also heard sound. I had a wider and deeper perception of the whole scene. It no longer confused me.

The Gate of Maturity – February 2019

Grace and Mercy took my hands and encouraged me to walk through the gate. I knew through revelation that a new chapter in my growth path was about to begin. Before I stepped through the gate the Spirit of Counsel came to me and said, “Well done my girl, I will leave you in the capable hands of Grace and Mercy.” With those words he disappeared and the Spirit of Wisdom stood in his place. I was relieved to see her. I particularly needed her to walk with me whenever I embarked on a new level of adventure and mystery.

As soon as I stepped through the gate I could feel a strong wind. The whole atmosphere was totally different. The Spirit of Wisdom just looked at me and said, “Remember what just happened when Patience touched your eyes and heart?” I nodded and she continued, “This was a gift and a change of heart. This is reality, and now you need to walk in it. No matter what you see, and no matter what you feel, you are filled with the rest and the peace of God. Now you have total Trust and Faith in the One who has called you into this new level of maturity. With maturity comes greater responsibility and new challenges. But do not worry— you have learned many things and been tested. Now you will walk it out together with Yahweh, and Yeshua, and the Ruach.”

The Crossroad

When she said this a great emotion came over me. I knew that the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord had joined us as well. As in the past, he was not visible in the form of a person or being. Rather, he appeared like a fine mist with all the colors of the seven spirits. He surrounded me and I could feel the deep presence of the Lord. The frequencies I had felt before amplified and my whole body came alive. It was like being charged with mega electricity. My whole being was overcome with joy and awe and trembling.

He started to speak, “My daughter, I have come to help you move forward in your journey of intimacy with Yahweh. You are now at a crossroads. You no longer have the time or freedom to be ‘lazy’ in the spirit. As you have learned in the past, things in the kingdom are built line upon line, precept upon precept. This is the next line in this new dimension of your journey.
The basic disciplines you have learned, and so easily forget, will never change. I have given you insight about the mystery of your unique sound; the song that emanates from your scroll and your DNA. The time has come for you to walk in this constantly. This will require a change in your lifestyle and time management. We are all here to help you to achieve this. It is time for you to know the mystery of kingdom time and live permanently from your appointed seat of rest.”

With that he left. I was undone and sank to the floor and wept and worshiped. Once again I could feel the presence of the host around me and received their ministry while I surrendered to my Lord.

© 2019

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