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Four Things to Expect in 2022 and Beyond

by Nathan Shaw

Here are four things we can expect to see in 2022:

1. New Winds

New winds of the Spirit will blow in unexpected places and unexpected ways. These winds will shift the directions and even transform the characters of cities and nations. Even as the early church was incredulous about the transformation of self-righteous Paul, people will be incredulous about the dramatic transformation of cities and nations that presently resist God and His purposes. The miracle and message of redemption will be seen, known and experienced on personal, national and international levels. In the opening scene of the book of Acts expectant intercession led to wind, fire and new wine (Acts 1-2). The result: The miracle and the message of the cross went viral.

2. New Ways

God’s ways are higher than our ways. He has ways of doing things that no one has even thought of yet. Heavenly strategies will come forth that will miraculously transform and avert economic, medical and social catastrophes. The impact of these transformations will be talked about for decades to come. Anointed entrepreneurs will discover and implement new ways in areas where there seems to be no way. Some of these new ways will be surprisingly simple, others will break open complex new areas of science and technology.

3. New Waves

New God ordained movements will sweep across nations, boundaries and barriers. These movements will touch every sector of society and will contain the DNA of life and a bright hope for the future. Waves carry weight. It’s the weight that shifts and transforms everything in a wave’s wake. There is a new “woke” coming that will counteract the present counterfeit. This heavenly “woke” will be carried in the wake and the weight of the new waves. The demonstration of God’s justice will cause the shackles of the counterfeit to be thrown off and abandoned by many. A radical generation of evangelists is arising.

4. Divine Disruptions

The years 2020 and 2021 have been marked by many disruptions to everyday life. In 2022 divine interventions will disrupt the disruptions. In some cases this will lead to even greater chaos. However, God has an endgame in sight. God is not intimidated by the raging and neither should we. The storms will be stilled and the cancer of corruption will be incised. It’s time to rejoice over God’s plans for the nations. He sits in the heavens and laughs because He has anointed sons and daughters on the earth, who carry His heart, and do His bidding (see Psalm 2).

© 2021 Nathan Shaw.

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