Heart of David Ministries

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Everything Will Be Different

by Nathan Shaw

Two thousand years ago John the Baptist and Jesus initiated a seismic shift that still reverberates today. They came with a simple message—repent for the kingdom of God is here. The earth was forever changed. There was no going back. 2020 is a year of seismic shifts. The world is in transition. We can expect to see dramatic shifts spiritually, economically and politically.

Presently, much of the world is in crisis because of the corona-virus pandemic. Undoubtedly the economic impact of this pandemic will be huge. It’s not possible to shut down whole economies without it having a major impact. As God’s people, we are here to effect a difference. God is concerned about the economies of nations and calls us to decree economic miracles and creative new financial strategies straight from heaven. Some things people say can’t be done, will be done.

There is a saying, “Crisis reveals and absolute crisis reveals absolutely.” Crisis and change have a way of exposing that which is in the heart. This is true of individuals, organizations, governments and nations. The true nature of many leaders, organizations, governments and nations will be revealed. Corruption and nobility of character will be brought into the light and help shape the destiny of nations in positive ways. The overall long-term positive impact will be far greater than the short-term negative impact caused by economic difficulty. Short-term pain will give way to long-term gain. Pray that that which remains hidden will be brought out into the light.

The present pandemic can easily blind us to the bigger things that are happening in the Spirit. We are in a major transition and there will be no going back. The days of passive, powerless Christianity are coming to an end. God’s kingdom is life transforming. It causes seismic shifts at a deep heart level. The impact of the cross of Jesus Christ is yet to reach its full crescendo. Online charts reveal official records of the number of deaths from corona-virus in each nation. A day is coming when online charts will record the number of confirmed resurrections in each nation.

Satan manipulates the areas of spirituality, economics and politics to bring people into bondage. God operates through these avenues to bring people into freedom. God’s global agenda is much greater than Satan’s global agenda! The gospel of the kingdom will have an unprecedented impact in the nations. But first, it will have an unprecedented impact in the lives of God’s people. The most important question you can ask yourself right now is this: What is the seismic shift God wants to make in my heart?

© 2020 Nathan Shaw.

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