Heart of David Ministries

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Destiny Scrolls and God's Generals – Deborah

I saw scrolls coming out of the glory cloud. There were people in the cloud. The people were part of the cloud of witnesses mentioned in Hebrews 12:1. I knew that the scrolls were destiny scrolls, but I did not know who the scrolls were for. Then I heard a loud voice say, “Those who have ears to hear, must listen! It is time for the destiny scrolls to be revealed. The scrolls are for those who have been prepared for such a time as this. Those who have the destiny scrolls have the keys already. The keys will unlock the storerooms of heaven. The provision is not just for their personal lives but for the kingly anointing I have given them. This is the time for governing. Everything until this time has been exercise, designed to build character and stamina. Now it is time for the generals to come forth and take their rightful place.” As He spoke the host of heaven erupted with clapping and cheering, declaring with great jubilation, “Finally, it is time, it is time!”

A group of men and women stepped forward. Their humility was apparent to all. Eagles appeared and sat on both of their shoulders. The mantles that the men and women wore started to shimmer in all the colors of light. As they moved towards the scrolls, the scrolls started to glow with the same colors. Each person walked directly to their scroll. As soon as they touched their scroll, it came alive. The scrolls enlarged to became as big as each person. Each person passionately embraced their scroll. The scrolls became part of them and enlarged them. Their spirits grew as they were endowed with the magnificence and responsibilities of the destiny scrolls. These were generals in God’s end-time army.

Suddenly the Lord was in their midst. The generals lined up before Him, bowing in deep worship and humility. The Lord proclaimed loudly, “Today I commission you to move into the sphere of influence I have given you. I have prepared you for this hour.” A huge map appeared. It was a map of the entire globe. It sat flat on the ground. Each general walked towards their assigned continent and assumed the authority given to them many, many years ago. As they walked I saw something very peculiar. Tear drops and drops of blood fell from each one of them. They still remembered the pain, the sacrifices, the horrific losses and the rejections they had faced over the last 30 years or more. The tears and blood soaked into the earth and brought forth a harvest of beautiful flowers—beauty for ashes.

There was more movement and another group came forward. This group had been prepared to assist the generals. They were attracted by the fragrance of the flowers. It was the fragrance of love, suffering and sacrifice for the King. The fragrance led each one to the specific general they were called to serve. The entire map was thus filled with the leaders of the great army. Each person was rightly aligned and positioned. Suddenly I heard a great shout and the blowing of a huge shofar. The sound penetrated my deepest core. Its frequency and vibration shook the earth. The sleeping giant, the true church, rose up and took her place.

© 2018

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