Fruitful Vineyards: A Sign of the Harvest – Patricia Sowman

I live in Marlborough, New Zealand. There are many vineyards in Marlborough. It is an expanding industry. I had joined the negative bandwagon that was saying, “There are too many vineyards. When will they stop putting in new ones. There is not space for another crop.” The Lord corrected me and said, “Patricia, do not say that any more. The vineyards are a prophetic barometer about My harvest of souls.

I am now praying not only for the natural crop but also for the ingathering of believers into the kingdom of God. At present there is huge growth in the vines and the workers are frantically leaf plucking and vine cutting to allow the sun to ripen the grapes (February 2016). I see a parallel in the spirit—God is pruning His saints. Last year's crop produced $1.4 billion and this year is predicted to be $2-3 billion. The wineries are putting in more tanks to hold the harvest. It is jubilee year so we are expecting great things. God is preparing hearts with holiness, integrity, stability and strong foundations in the word.

© 2016 Patricia Sowman.

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