Chronicles of the Warrior: A Vision

by Deborah

The following is a vision I received in several parts. I believe the warrior represents prophetic and apostolic messengers that God is preparing in this hour.

Part 1 – The Warrior

The warrior came from battle. He had some wounds. He wasn’t bleeding heavily, but blood was visible. He was sweaty and exhausted, but also glowing. The Lord’s presence was with him in an incredible way. He was dressed in an interesting armor that was very different from mine. My armor was more like a courtiers outfit, as though I were ready to be sent off on the King’s business, but still fit for court.

The warrior’s armor was army style but of exemplary quality. It was covered with writing—the living Word. It was also covered with the fragrance of sacrifice. This fragrance attracted but also defeated the enemy. Every time the warrior went riding the Lord anointed him with this fragrance. The fragrance was mixed with the Lord’s tears, the warrior’s tears, the Lord’s blood and the warrior’s blood.

The warrior had shed many tears in all the hard times of battle. Every time I smelt the fragrance I would tangibly experience the presence of the Lord and the fear of the Lord. In his armor were secret pockets that contained weapons like hand grenades. These were words that would scatter the enemy. I could not see a sword, but I knew that he had one, and that it would be revealed later.

I gave the warrior food and drink. He fell asleep and rested while I watched, checking for any disturbance. After he had rested he shared something with me that he had won in battle. It looked like a gemstone. It had a blueish light but it was different from light in that it had substance. After he shared some with me it increased in size rather than diminished. I realized that this warrior was to be a kind of mentor in my walk with the Lord for this season. Then he left. I did not see where he went but he had a distinct sense of direction and clarity, and a special authority. He was sensitive to respond only to the assignments God gave him. I knew that at the appointed time I would meet him again.

I carried on towards my own assignment. I had not rested while he slept but I was very refreshed. I carried the blueish ‘blessing’ I had received. I shared it with those I met and it multiplied each time. The Lord revealed that this blue light was His manifest presence. Many times in the days to come we will have encounters with different parts of the body. We will strengthen each other through our different gifts and anointings so that we can continue with our individual assignments.

Part 2 – The Sword

I saw the warrior again. He was in his armor and very battle weary. He was dirty and bloody—his blood and also the enemy’s blood! He was on a hill (later it would be a mountain). Before him was his ‘league’ Lord. He was about to be knighted. He knelt, and was given wine to drink, and a special food to eat. The food was whitish. I thought, “Wow! This must be manna from heaven!” While he received this from the Lord’s hand, something beautiful started to happen. The dirt and the blood and the pain and the frustration, and also some kind of anger vanished from his armor. The dents were restored and it looked polished and new. After this process was finished he still knelt but it was in a different position—renewed from the inside out! I felt (not heard) the words: “Positioned for victory.” The Lord also gave him a new piece for his armor. It was a special helmet with 20/20 vision which enabled him to see 360 degrees.

The scene changed and I saw him going up a mountain. The going was tough. He had to stop often, as it was very steep. Eventually I saw the Lord standing on a slope, waiting for him. He held something in his hand. It was a new sword to replace the old faithful one that the warrior had been using for the last decades. The old one was battered from battle. Pieces were missing and it was not as sharp as before. But it still felt familiar in his hand. It was still doing its job. The Lord approached and once again made him kneel like a knight. He presented him with a new sword.

The sword had a specially made handle that formed itself perfectly to the hand of the warrior. The blade was translucent and diamond blue. It was made of light but it had substance. The light moved within the blade and emanated from it. Around the handle there was a beautiful crown with seven points. The points faced toward the blade and represented the seven Spirits of God. (The seven Spirits of God are given to teach and guide all God’s warriors in the use of the sword). There was a huge red gemstone in the middle of the handle—neatly in the center of the crown. It looked like the heart of the sword. The sword drew its power from the gemstone which represented the blood of Jesus. The specially made handle meant that the warrior could easily change hands in combat, enabling him to fight with increased versatility. The sword gleamed. It was covered with fire and oil. Every time the warrior lifted the sword it released a huge flash of light and a powerful fragrance.

After he received the new sword he felt uncomfortable. He had liked the old sword because it was familiar. Regardless he moved it from one hand to the other. It was heavy but light at the same time. The glory was on it. The Lord stood before him and looked at him with blazing eyes and said:

Get familiar with it. You do not have a long time before you will use it. Show yourself worthy of wielding this weapon. You have earned it. Don’t hesitate to use it. It is new but also old. It is a mystery but also unveiled. It’s heavy but light. You have to make the decision to fully embrace it.

The warrior grasped the sword with both hands. He lifted it high—as if to slay an enemy. The fire and oil started to flow from the sword and actually flowed into him! As fire and oil saturated and covered him he was healed and restored. They simultaneously consumed the old and revealed the new.

The sword was the ‘rhema’ word of God. It included the blueprint and destiny of his life. When he embraced the sword fully it released the fire, the sacrifice, and the anointing oil from the Lord. I knew that the ‘rhema’ word—the specific prophetic now word that he would pray or prophesy over people—would release the light and oil and fire from the sword. God’s written word needed to be inside of him so that he could release the ‘rhema’ word at the appointed time. God’s written word was like the fuel from the inside. The written word would become a ‘rhema’ word by the activation of faith. This powerful word would then flow over the person and the situation and bring dramatic change!

After this process the warrior continued to climb the mountain. He used the sword to take new ground, using it as an anchor at the steep places. His pace picked up and the drag fell off. The oil and fire from the sword left a fiery trail behind him. The warrior was God’s trailblazer. Many people followed the trail. They were strengthened as they walked. They also received swords. Angels stood on the side of the trail and presented swords to them. The swords were different from the one the warrior wielded, but each sword had a different gifting and authority. As the warrior continued to move higher, angels stood ready for him. They strengthened him along the way by giving him heavenly nectar to drink, and manna to eat.

Part 3 – The Molting

The warrior was walking on the mountain. He had a staff and a backpack, a bedroll and a protective cloak. There was no food in his pack. He drank water from the mountain and there was a substance like manna that he picked up in the early morning hours. The manna sustained him totally. He had to do this himself. There were no angels this time. This feeding was very important. It represented the time spent in intimate worship. I could see this scene clearly because I was in the air hovering as an eagle—not soaring, just watching.

Then there was a rushing sound of wind and a great storm started to blow. The warrior just stood there as if he was waiting for something. Soon there was another sound. It was the sound of mighty wings and I could see a huge Eagle approaching. The warrior stood there calmly, knowing that he had an appointment with the Eagle. The Eagle hovered over him and invited him to join Him. The warrior changed into an eagle and joined the other Eagle.

There was a unique sound around both of them. I could hear it and it drew me intensely. There was a longing in my heart to also come close and follow. The warrior and the huge Eagle were already flying into the eye of the storm. I followed them. Suddenly I saw other eagles doing the same. They had also heard and responded to the sound. There were all kinds of eagles—young ones and older ones. They all had one goal: To follow the follow the Eagle and the go higher.

I felt anxious because I had never flown so high. The winds around me caused me to gain momentum. It felt natural to fly. I was connected with the warrior and the huge Eagle. I knew their thoughts and directions. They were moving towards a special place. The Eagle had called the warrior to ‘come up here’ to fetch his inheritance. By doing this the warrior also opened gates for the rest of us to receive part of ours. It was like a summons and the beginning of something incredible—the coming together of God’s great end time army.

Then the sound and the wind changed. Suddenly I was with the warrior and the big Eagle in the eye of the storm. The Eagle looked at me. I was afraid because it was such an awesome sight, but the warrior was very calm and this calmed me as well. The Eagle started to speak but I could not understand what He said. I could only feel the power of His words crashing over me like waves. The warrior could both hear and understand the words. He nodded his agreement as the words went deep into him and saturated his whole being. The words vibrated inside of him. They pushed stuff out and it fell off like scabs falling off scars. Some of the stuff was like stones. Some of it was like infected ooze. It was like a purge and detox all at the same time. All this happened while we were in the eye of the storm and under the authority, the sounds, and the words of the Eagle. It was incredible to watch. The warrior was experiencing it intensely but it was quick as he had already prepared for it! It was like a molting happening in the air. When everything was out he had a new coat, a new beak and new talons.

Then the atmosphere changed and we were no longer in the eye of the storm. We were flying in the storm but towards the other eagles. Suddenly I realized that the big Eagle was no longer with us, but I could still hear the unique sound. The sound was now part of me. While the warrior had his molting, something had been imparted into me—a hum in my spirit, a vibration (I can still feel the hum in me, even now). When we came towards the large group of eagles the warrior took the lead. We all moved together. It was unusual because eagles normally don’t flock, but it felt natural. While we were flying, everyone received some type of breakthrough. Some of the breakthroughs were major, some were not as big. The level of breakthrough corresponded with the level of maturity of each eagle.

Becoming The Sword

After receiving this vision God gave me the following insights about the sword.

If we surrender fully to His word and allow His sword to penetrate the depths of our beings we are transformed and become living swords. Jesus—as the living word—then wields us as His living swords. When the warrior lifted the sword it was activated. Fire and oil flowed from the sword and saturated the warrior. The stamina needed to lift the sword comes through faithfulness, discipline and determination. These qualities bring maturity so that we can be the sword. The more we allow the written word inside of us, the more the Lord can use us to release His ‘rhema’ word. The ‘rhema’ word is fed by the written word but saturated with the fire and oil of the Spirit.

When we lift the sword to execute the mandate we have received from the Lord, we operate from heavenly realms. We are seated with Christ in heavenly realms (Ephesians 2:6). This is our position as sons of God. From this position we release God’s mandate as we speak forth prophetic decrees in His name. We are to wield the sword from heaven to earth, rather than from earth to heaven. Operating from earth to heaven is a mindset that often leads to moving in the arm of the flesh. But this is a new season and God is shifting old mindsets. Now we become the sword!

Part 4 – The Summons 

NB: This part was released as a previous article called The Summons. 

Part 5 – The Rainbow Path of the Word

In the distance I saw a mountain. I watched as a path formed on the mountain. The path shone like a rainbow. Suddenly I found myself walking on the path. The path was formed of words. I could not read the letters but I was literally walking on words. The path was established as God spoke. I followed the path up the mountain. It seemed like I was going on detours because the path winded this way and that, but I knew it was deliberately and strategically laid. As I walked the Word started to create trees and birds. There was a great peace. The spoken word had become life.

The words stopped moving so I waited. Then they started moving two steps at a time. I walked and stayed in step with the Spirit. I started to hear water and realized that I was walking on the word and walking on water. There was a cool wind that kept me alert. The path became much steeper. It was no longer winding this way and that but the air was thinner. I had to stop and catch my breath.

Suddenly I saw some birds flying in my direction. A small eagle flew directly to me. It set itself down on my left shoulder and started to speak to me. At first I was so stunned that I didn’t really hear the words. I realized in my spirit that it was Wisdom speaking to me. Wisdom stayed close to me as the path became very steep. I became hot and breathless. Every breath I took was a sacrifice. There are times when we feel like we don’t even have the power to draw another breath but somehow we do. A well sprung up before me. I knelt and drank deeply. After I was refreshed I continued to walk with new stamina and determination.

It started to rain. The drops were thick, warm and soft. Eventually I was saturated with a golden oil like substance—the balm of His presence. It nourished and strengthened every part of my being. I knew it was a preparation for times to come. A song rose up in my spirit and I started to sing:

You are my friend
I will see you face to face, eye to eye, heart to heart
I am covering you, feeding you
I want you to see Me
I want you to feel Me
To be saturated with My presence

The song permeated the atmosphere. Finally I stood at the top of the path. It changed before me from a rainbow path to one of treasures and gemstones. The treasures and gemstones became doorways like caves. Each one was a different color. While I was watching this I suddenly realized that there were people all around me. Although I hadn’t seen them or heard them before, they too had been climbing the mountain. Everyone was covered in the same golden oil. We were each led to a specific cave. Some were going from cave to cave. I was struck with a beautiful blue cave which beckoned me. I was too awed to go in further.

As I soaked it all in God’s presence came around my eyes like a mist. I started to see very very clearly. I could see not only people but also their assignments. I knew many of the people, but there were also many that I didn’t know. I intuitively knew that they represented apostolic ministry. They were standing behind us and under us like a foundation and support. Not only did they show us the way, their foundation gave us the freedom to fulfill our unique assignments.

I heard the specific hum that I had heard before. Within the hum I also recognized a specific tone which I suddenly knew was my sound. It was like a symphony of many songs woven together. The sound was awe inspiring. The others also heard the sound and their own unique tone within the sound. Sometimes the sound changed. At those times specific people would receive their marching orders and go forth. I started to wonder what my assignment would be but I felt His presence gently prompting me,“Stay and soak. Get more and more filled with Me, so that when you are called for, you will have all that you need. The King needs you with all that you can take in from here.” I relaxed and let His presence draw me deeper. As I allowed His presence to invade my inmost being a deep fire began to burn inside of me. It became so intense I could barely handle it any more. He spoke, “Let go. Let go.” I let go all of my emotions and allowed myself to fall into His mighty hands.

The Lord caught me up out of the experience and once again I was just an observer of the Warrior.

Part 6 – The Deep Places of the Mountain

I saw the Warrior walking in a dark place. He carried a stone from one of the gems he had picked up previously. The stone shone brightly, lighting the path in front of him. The gem had originated from deep within the mountain and the light from it drew him into that place. The path itself became luminescent as soon as it come in contact with the light from the gem. When the passage was narrow or closed the warrior would use the gem like a key. As he lifted it close to his heart it became a beam of light that opened the next phase of the passage.

In the distance there was a sound of rushing waters. As the Warrior progressed he moved closer to the sound. The darkness was thick. Whenever he didn’t focus on the illuminated path he was enveloped by the darkness and felt lost. He made a conscious decision to focus on the gemstone and the light it attracted. After a time he drew close to the source of the rushing water. He was now deep inside the mountain. He tried to find a way to get to the water but before he had a chance the gemstone started to draw the water. A small well opened up and became a stream right where he was standing.

As he knelt to drink he saw an amazing sight. The water was shimmering with color. He knew he was drinking living water. He decided to lie prostrate rather than kneel. He lapped the water with his tongue, even submerging his face into the little stream. It refreshed him more than normal water. He could feel it running through his whole body both inside and out. It touched, healed and restored things that were deep and hidden. He realized a hidden feeling of hopelessness had crept into his heart. He only realized it after it left him. Suddenly he felt much lighter. He lay in the stream for a long while. As he did his vision and hearing became sharper and clearer. His whole body felt different. He was being equipped for the next phase of the journey.

After rising he noticed a special stone lying in the stream some distance away. As he approached he saw that the stone was white and silvery and had two distinctive lines of Quartz running through it. He picked it up. It was very heavy compared to its size. He turned it around and to his surprise he saw his new name! For a long time he stood in the stream, overwhelmed by the Father’s love and care. A deep red light started to pulsate from the stone and envelope him. It imparted new identity and authority.

Drinking from the stream had made the Warrior’s sword more prominent, as if it got refueled or recharged. It started to glow stronger than ever before. Both the sword and the stream illuminated the path forward. The Warrior felt the sword leading. It became a companion and guide, always highlighting the next phase of the journey. As the Warrior moved on he was inspired, strengthened and healed. He walked at a faster pace now because he could see perfectly. There were many more gemstones on the sides of the tunnel but he knew he was not to take them. Suddenly the tunnel opened up and he was standing in a more spacious place. Other tunnels also opened up into the space.

Prompted by the Spirit he stood there and waited, enjoying the moment. The walls reflected the light of the sword as well as the light from the river that was still on the path. After a while he saw more light coming out of the other tunnels and several warriors emerged dressed as he was. There was an instant recognition of each other in the spirit and a sense of purpose and commissioning. Without speaking anything the band of warriors moved on. The Warrior took the lead naturally but he was chosen by the Spirit to do so.

The scene changed and the tunnel became narrow again. This time the combined light of the swords worked like a laser beam and opened up the way. The warriors carved out new territory, opening mysteries and gems of revelation. The walls of the tunnel became illuminated with light as they passed by. The way behind them was made light. They had opened the way for others to follow. Eventually the group emerged from inside the mountain and stood outside. Their number had increased greatly. They were now a glorious army. They stood on the mountain and let the wind surround them. It was a scene of great victory and freedom.

© 2016-2018

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